Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Referral News!!!

The latest rumors are referrals were sent with a cut off date of October 24th. What does that mean for me.
We will be in the next batch of referrals due at the end of this month. I am beyond excited. I am trying to remain calm, but i keep breaking into a big smile everytime i think about it.
I am not going to be posting again until i hear more news from the referral front. I have been incredibly busy with work, trying to tie up projects until my baby leave. (it feels weird to say that) I also need to start getting ready for a baby in the house, and my trip.
Hang in there, good news coming soon.


Colleen said...

WE ARE NEXT!!! Can't wait to hop that jet plane to China with ya!

Shirley said...

Ditto!! We are next!! whoo hoo!!

Samantha said...

Finally it is our turn! Yippee! Whoo Hoo! I am so excited!

Dannye said...

how cool, congrats guys!! here's to hoping that darned stork flaps his wings a little faster (it's a long flight from China....)