Monday, March 31, 2008

Crazy March

I have not been a very good blogger this month. I am trying to cram in all our happenings in at the end of the month.

Katy has had her 18 month old check up and she is doing great. She is finally 20.6 lbs. and 30 inches tall. She is walking around like crazy, and also running. Still needs to work on her stopping. She is trying to say more words. As far as i can make out she says "more please", "all done", "shoes", and we even heard her say the dreaded "No".

We had a bit of a freak out tonite though. Katy was in her crib asleep (or so we thought), Dave and I were watching our favorite monday night shows. All of a sudden Katy comes walking around the corner and into the living room with a big smile on her face. We both jumped up and yelled. It was the most bizarre thing.

Well it turns out, i must have forgotten to lift the side of the crib up and low and behold, she climbed out.

We have been quite busy this month. Between birthday parties, Easter, St. Patricks day, and just plain life, this month has been a whirl wind.

Here are a few hightlights, with some pictures:

Fun at Chuck E Cheese with her "China Sisters"

You are getting very sleepy.....

Happy Easter....

Do you like Katy's new shoes?

Katy is becoming quite the comedian. She loves to make people laugh. Especially her mommy and daddy.

My girl is a shoe and handbag girl. She loves her shoes. She is usually fighting me when i am trying to get her dressed, but all i have to say is "can we put on your shoes", and she sits down with her feet ready.

Well she was looking around the house and found the newest fashion in bootwear. What do you think? I especially love the "after dinner belly" sticking out.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Our Baby is 18 Months Old Today !!!!

Katy turned 18 months old today. I can't believe how much she has grown in the last few months.

Some of her highlights:

--Running - still can't stop very well.
--Says a few words (Baby, Mama, Dada, Hi, All Done)
--Peed in her new potty
--Finally fitting into 12 months clothes
--Loves to play with her babies
--Loves books
--Loves applesauce

We are so looking forward to spring and summer this year. I can't wait to introduce her to the beach, swimming, the zoo, Ice cream at Kimball's, and everything else summer brings with it.

She is growing so fast, and it only keeps getting better and better.

We love you baby,
Love Mommy and Daddy