Friday, September 30, 2005

Another poem I found on the message boards called "Dreams"

I dream of you all day,
Think of you while I sleep
Thoughts of you are always with me...
Dreaming of the day that we'll meet.

I wonder about the little things,
What makes you smile?
What makes you cry?

Who do you call mommy?
And is she good to you?
I wonder do you need me...
As much as I need you?

I promise you I'm looking,
And one day soon we'll meet.
Until then, she'll take care of you...
And I'll see you in my dreams

I Got Them !!!!!!

I was very excited this morning to see the Fed Ex guy with my Certified Documents from the China Consulate. It took under 10 days to get it done. Yeah!!!

Now Dave and I have to get some pictures taken and everything will be off to the adoption agency. It looks like we will be done in October. Can't believe I met my deadline.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tracking Number #831973800790

I would like to give a small piece of advice; if you are waiting on a package that you know in your head is supposed to take 20 days, yet you have the tracking number don't obessively check Fed Ex every hour. The information will not change. Sort of like "A Watched Pot Never Boils"

When I sent my documents to the China Consulate in New York to be certified, I had to send them with a self addressed Fed Ex Shipping Label. I decided to make a copy of it. Now I have found myself obsessivly checking Fed Ex's tracking website at least six times a day. I have had to leave the paperwork at my office so I won't keep checking it at home. I have checked it twice today, and it still has not shipped. Mind you it is NOT supposed to ship until at least next week.

I will post as soon as I get the packet. Or as soon as Fed Ex has it on their tracking website. Whichever comes first.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Thought I would give an updated timeline

  1. April 4, 2005 - Filled out and sent our Registration to Wide Horizons
  2. May 6, 2005 - Packet A - Gathered and sent all docuements to begin our Homestudy
  3. May 20, 2005 - Packet B - Gathered and sent all documents to begine our Homestudy
  4. May 15, 2005 - First visit with Social Worker
  5. May 19, 2005 - Brigit's visit with Social Worker
  6. June 7, 2005 - Dave's visit with Social Worker
  7. June 9, 2005 - Home Visit with Social Worker
  8. July 22, 2005 - Home Study completed, written and sent to BCIS
  9. July 22, 2005 - I600A form sent to Wide Horizons to be sent to BCIS
  10. August 6, 2005 - Fingerprinting Appointment in Boston for Dave and Brigit
  11. September 3, 2005 - Received 171H from BCIS with a Favorable Determination
  12. September 7, 2005 - All Dossier Documents notarized, and a copy sent to Wide Horizons for review
  13. September 14, 2005 - Dropped all notarized docs to Secratary of State's office in Boston
  14. September 19, 2005 - Picked up the Certified docuements and sent them off to the China Consulate in New York

Monday, September 19, 2005

Well Another Wait Begins

I am excited to announce I have sent the entire packet of Certified Documents off to the China Consulate in New York for Authentication. This is the last step before they are sent to China.

I left work today and traveled to Boston to pick them up. It only took me a half hour to get there. It is amazing what a map and some cash will do for you.

I came back to the office and spent the next hour getting them ready to send to the China Consulate. I stopped by the grocery store after work and picked up a money order and put the whole thing together and dropped in the Fed Ex box, with 5 minutes to spare. It should be arriving there tomorrow as I sent it overnight.

Now the bad news. It will probably be about a 20 day wait to get them back. I am not sure if that is 20 business days, or just 20 days. Well I better get used to it, because after this I will have a six month wait until I get my referral.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Still have not got those documents yet.

Due to a very busy week last week, I still have not had a chance to get back to Boston to pick up my documents. I am hoping to get there tomorrow. I plan on getting to the office early tomorrow, and leave about 1 or 2 to get to Boston. I only work about 25 minutes away. Should be an easy drive. I say that now, at about 10:00 pm on Sunday night. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

After I get those "certified" documents, they will be sent to the China Consulates office in New York, to be "authenticate". We are almost there.

Check back tomorrow night to find out if I actually made it to Boston.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Today was the day from HE(double hockey sticks)

I had such great intentions today. I was going to go to Worcester early to setup for a trade show, and then work there until Noon. Leave there and drive to Boston to get my paperwork certified at the State Office, then go home early.

Well, Dave is away so I had to pull myself out of bed early. Not an easy thing to do. I woke up late, had to feed all the animals, pack all my computer stuff for the show. Then I get to the show at about 9:30 am. We have no monitors for our laptops, and no Internet connection. Needless to say we need both. I ran around to get the booth setup before 10:00 am. Ended up leaving the show at 2:00 pm.

I did not realize Worcester is pretty far from Boston. Also due to bad financial planning on my part I only had 5 dollars and some change on me. The parking garage does not take credit cards. Neither do Toll Booths. I ended up spending every dime and penny I had at the Worcester garage, and the Mass Pike toll booth. So by the time I got to the last toll booth on the Mass Pike, I had to beg the toll guy to let me through with a handful of pennies. Luckily he was a nice guy.

Once I get to Boston, I have to find the State House in downtown. Well rest assured our great Secratary of the Commonwealth will never be kidnapped, because that building is not easy to find. First I drove around for a half hour and found a parking garage. Now I know what your thinking, "she doesn't have any money, and parking garages don't take credit cards." I also thought the same thing but pulled in anyway. I figured I would figure it out later. We have a good T station nearby.

I get out and start walking in the general direction I think the State offices are. I walk up a very steep hill. Now mind you it is about 89 degrees and I have on my trade show BLACK shirt with pants and boots. That walk was hot. I walk up the hill, found the capitol building. Ask a couple of people for directions. They send me the wrong way. I walk all around the capitol building, (nice building by the way) down the other side, ask more people directions they keep pointing, around a corner, I find Suffolk University. A nice college girl showed me where the building was, that I had already walked by, in front of the capitol building.

I get in the State office building, go through the metal detector, up to the 17th floor, find the office. Yeah!!!!! I am almost there. It is now 4:30 pm. They close at 5:00 pm. I speak to a nice young man, (no more than 25) and he informs me if I have more than 3 documents to certify, I have to leave them and pick them up tomorrow after 3:00 pm. So I left my Original, notarized documents with a 25 year old kid. As I walked away from the counter, and he was putting them in an envelope, I warned him to guard them with his life. I don't think he took me seriously.

Oh well. The documents are there. That is all that matters. And tomorrow, I will have lots of money for tolls, parking garages, and to pay for my documents. Plus I will have directions in hand. So tomorrow I get to do the whole thing again. Work at the trade show in Worcester, drive to Boston, pick up my documents, and drive back to Chelmsford. Maybe I should rethink driving the documents to New York. Maybe I will Fed Ex them. Could be cheaper.

Oh, and if you were wondering if I got out of the Boston Parking garage. I did. They took credit cards. Thank god, or I would still be walking. Although it did take me 2.5 hours to get home from Boston.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Everything is falling into place

Well as of today we have every document notarized, including our 171 and our homestudy. I called the Secratary of State Galvin's office to find out when the best time would be to come in. The lady on the phone said anytime would be fine. There is never a line. I also asked her if I could wait and have them certified that same day and she said yes. I am going to bring an envelope just in case.

So I am planning on going to Boston on Wednesday to get it done. Then I can send them off to the China Consulate in New York. I am hoping to get that done this week as well, because they say that will take about 20 days before they come back.

We are still on track for paperwork to be submitted by October. Then I can relax.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Here is a very nice poem I found on someone else's blog.

Dearest Sweet Daughter,

As a girl I had a common dream, to be a mom someday.
My baby would have eyes of blue and hair of the hue of hay.
But now my dreams have been transformed.
New visions fill my head.
Now the tresses that I long to stroke are raven black instead.
And in my dreams those eyes are not so big or blue or round.
Now in my dreams they're almond shaped and colored cocoa brown.
And in my dreams my arms can stretch across enormous seas.
They reach half-way around the world and hold you close to me.
As you grow in your mother's womb, carefully knit together, you're also growing in my heart, where you will stay forever.
And in my dreams the moment that your mother says good-bye, I'll be right there to comfort you and hold you as you cry.
Our features may not look alike; we're different as can be.
But still I know the Father has created you for me.
And though I've not yet seen your face, or held your tiny hands, and though we're half a world apart in very different lands, I'll be right there to get you just as soon as God allows.
But 'til He says the time is right I give you this vow.
I'll pray for your protection every day on bended knee.
For God to hold you in His arms until you're here with me.

~Gayle Leubecker

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Famous Green Folder

Here is my famous green folder. I don't go anywhere without it. I even took it on vacation to Squam Lake.

This folder contains all the paperwork for our adoption. Pretty much Dave and my entire life story. It is getting really thick by now. I just thought I would share my new best friend with you.

Our Timeline so far...

Today I thought I would post our Adoption Timeline so far. We are almost there, but still have a couple things to do.

April 4, 2005 - Filled out and sent our Registration to Wide Horizons
May 6, 2005 - Packet A - Gathered and sent all docuements to begin our Homestudy
May 20, 2005 - Packet B - Gathered and sent all documents to begine our Homestudy
May 15, 2005 - First visit with Social Worker
May 19, 2005 - Brigit's visit with Social Worker
June 7, 2005 - Dave's visit with Social Worker
June 9, 2005 - Home Visit with Social Worker
July 22, 2005 - Home Study completed, written and sent to BCIS
July 22, 2005 - I600A form sent to Wide Horizons to be sent to BCIS
August 6, 2005 - Fingerprinting Appointment in Boston for Dave and Brigit
September 3, 2005 - Received 171H from BCIS with a Favorable Determination
September 7, 2005 - All Dossier Documents notarized, and a copy sent to Wide Horizons for review

That is it for now. We still have to get everything Certified by the Secratary Of State's office and then Authenticated by the China Consulate. Once that is done everything is off to China. Yeah!!! Then we will become officially "paper" pregnant, and the shopping begins.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Our Documents are to be Notarized today

I spent last nite going through the documents we have collected for the dossier. Believe it or not i have got everything. Now we just have to get a few more notarized, and then they will be off to the Secratary Of States office in Boston. After that they will be sent to the China Consulate in New York. If everything goes according to plan we should be DTC by October. This was our goal date. It would be even better if we were DTC by September, but i am not holding out too much hope.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

We have received our 171H

On Sunday we arrived home from "camping" to see our 171H came in. Very exciting, but we still have to get our other documents notarized. I called Steve today and he is going to notarize everything tomorrow.