Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Our Documents are to be Notarized today

I spent last nite going through the documents we have collected for the dossier. Believe it or not i have got everything. Now we just have to get a few more notarized, and then they will be off to the Secratary Of States office in Boston. After that they will be sent to the China Consulate in New York. If everything goes according to plan we should be DTC by October. This was our goal date. It would be even better if we were DTC by September, but i am not holding out too much hope.


Kim said...

I'm glad to see that you've joined us blog-junkies! Congratulations on almost being DTC!!!


Family Bits said...

It's a long journey, but a good one!
Welcome to Bloggerdome.

Karen (Astra~) from the MSN group.