Monday, July 31, 2006

A Moose Is On The Loose

Today, while I was working on my computer at home, I looked out my window to see two Moose, a mom and baby, wandering up our road. Yes, you heard it right. Two Moose. Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of them, but I think my neighbor did. I will try to get those at another time. This is off of the Internet.

Now I have to tell you, I live in a very thickly settled neighborhood, in a town of about 35,000 people, next to a city of about 100,000 people. This is not Alaska, but the suburbs of Boston.

My husband was working downstairs in the basement, and thought the house was burning down when i started yelling for him. But it's not everyday you see a moose walking up our road. They wandered through our neighbors yard and kept on walking up the street.

We called the police, but apparantly it was old news to them. They must have been wandering for quite awhile. Not sure what happened to them, they must have kept going to the big city to check out the sites.

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