I had such great intentions today. I was going to go to Worcester early to setup for a trade show, and then work there until Noon. Leave there and drive to Boston to get my paperwork certified at the State Office, then go home early.
Well, Dave is away so I had to pull myself out of bed early. Not an easy thing to do. I woke up late, had to feed all the animals, pack all my computer stuff for the show. Then I get to the show at about 9:30 am. We have no monitors for our laptops, and no Internet connection. Needless to say we need both. I ran around to get the booth setup before 10:00 am. Ended up leaving the show at 2:00 pm.
I did not realize Worcester is pretty far from Boston. Also due to bad financial planning on my part I only had 5 dollars and some change on me. The parking garage does not take credit cards. Neither do Toll Booths. I ended up spending every dime and penny I had at the Worcester garage, and the Mass Pike toll booth. So by the time I got to the last toll booth on the Mass Pike, I had to beg the toll guy to let me through with a handful of pennies. Luckily he was a nice guy.
Once I get to Boston, I have to find the State House in downtown. Well rest assured our great Secratary of the Commonwealth will never be kidnapped, because that building is not easy to find. First I drove around for a half hour and found a parking garage. Now I know what your thinking, "she doesn't have any money, and parking garages don't take credit cards." I also thought the same thing but pulled in anyway. I figured I would figure it out later. We have a good T station nearby.
I get out and start walking in the general direction I think the State offices are. I walk up a very steep hill. Now mind you it is about 89 degrees and I have on my trade show BLACK shirt with pants and boots. That walk was hot. I walk up the hill, found the capitol building. Ask a couple of people for directions. They send me the wrong way. I walk all around the capitol building, (nice building by the way) down the other side, ask more people directions they keep pointing, around a corner, I find Suffolk University. A nice college girl showed me where the building was, that I had already walked by, in front of the capitol building.
I get in the State office building, go through the metal detector, up to the 17th floor, find the office. Yeah!!!!! I am almost there. It is now 4:30 pm. They close at 5:00 pm. I speak to a nice young man, (no more than 25) and he informs me if I have more than 3 documents to certify, I have to leave them and pick them up tomorrow after 3:00 pm. So I left my Original, notarized documents with a 25 year old kid. As I walked away from the counter, and he was putting them in an envelope, I warned him to guard them with his life. I don't think he took me seriously.
Oh well. The documents are there. That is all that matters. And tomorrow, I will have lots of money for tolls, parking garages, and to pay for my documents. Plus I will have directions in hand. So tomorrow I get to do the whole thing again. Work at the trade show in Worcester, drive to Boston, pick up my documents, and drive back to Chelmsford. Maybe I should rethink driving the documents to New York. Maybe I will Fed Ex them. Could be cheaper.
Oh, and if you were wondering if I got out of the Boston Parking garage. I did. They took credit cards. Thank god, or I would still be walking. Although it did take me 2.5 hours to get home from Boston.